After a season of reflection following our successful InnovateUMC program over the past four years, we are beyond excited to launch ImagineHub - our next iteration of missional innovation in partnership with the Western NC Conference. ImagineHub will be a place for people who have been disadvantaged who need space, skills and community to let their ideas shine. These folks struggle to access existing innovation and entrepreneurship support systems. Beginning in Fall 2019, we will launch a network of spaces by leveraging empty and under-utilized church buildings located in the center of their communities – most are historical buildings where congregations are reimagining their space for mission to the community. ImagineHub will be an environment for “happy collisions” of diverse people, where innovation, design thinking and entrepreneurship is nurtured, cultivated and harvested to transform lives and communities. We are grateful to The Duke Endowment for generous funding to launch the first three pilot ImagineHub locations.
Mar 18, 2021, 10:56:06 AM
Marty Driver - Searching for a way to utilize empty space at our church.